1. VSU基本配置





Switch1# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Switch1(config)# switch virtual domain 1

Switch1(config-vs-domain)# switch 1

Switch1(config-vs-domain)#switch 1 priority 200    

Switch1(config-vs-domain)# exit


Switch1(config-vsl-ap-1)# port-member interface TenGigabitEthernet 2/1           

Switch1(config-vsl-ap-1)# port-member interface TenGigabitEthernet 2/2

Switch1(config-vsl-ap-1)# exit


Switch2# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Switch2(config)# switch virtual domain 1  
//domaind id 必须和第一台一致

Switch2(config-vs-domain)#switch 2    

Switch2(config-vs-domain)#switch 2 priority 150

Switch2(config-vs-domain)# exit


Switch2(config-vsl-ap-1)# port-member interface TenGigabitEthernet 2/1        

Switch2(config-vsl-ap-1)# port-member interface TenGigabitEthernet 2/2

Switch2(config-vsl-ap-1)# exit




Switch1# wr

Switch1# switch convert mode virtual         

Convert mode will backup and delete config file, and reload the switch. Are you sure to continue[yes/no]:yes

Do you want to recover config file from backup file in standalone mode (press 'ctrl + c' to cancel) [yes/no]:no



Switch2# wr

Switch2# switch convert mode virtual  

Are you sure to convert switch to virtual mode[yes/no]:yes

Do you want to recover config file from backup file in virtual mode (press 'ctrl + c' to cancel) [yes/no]:no




2. VSU主机的引擎Primary灯绿色常亮,VSU从机的Primary灯灭,可以用来判断主从机关系( 设备优先级提前有指定,高优先级的设备会成为主机)

3. VSU组建后从机Console口默认不能进行管理,可执行EscEscEscEscC(即4次Esc键加C键)打开输出开关,建议使用session device 2 slot (m1,m2 ,线卡槽位)登录其它设备查看信息。

Ruijie# show switch virtual role 检查主备是否符合预期

Switch_id    Domain_id    Priority    Position    Status    Role    Description                     
---------    ---------    --------    --------    ------    ----    -----------
1(1)         100(100)     200(200)    LOCAL       OK        ACTIVE  switch-1    ------>ACTIVE表示主机箱                         
2(2)         100(100)     150(150)    REMOTE      OK        STANDBY switch-2    ------>STANDBY表示从机箱 

Ruijie# show ver slots 检查是否已经识别到了主从机的所有线卡(说明以下结果仅为示例)

Dev   Slot  Port Configured Module        Online Module            Software Status
---   ----  ---- -----------------        -------------            ---------------
1     1     0    none                     none                     none          
1     2     0    none                     none                     none          
1     3     8    M18000-08XS-ED           M18000-08XS-ED           ok            
1     4     0    none                     none                     none          
1     5     48   M18000-24GT20SFP4XS-ED   M18000-24GT20SFP4XS-ED   ok            
1     6     0    none                     none                     none          
1     7     7    RG-WALL 1600-B-ED        RG-WALL 1600-B-ED        ok            
1     8     0    none                     none                     none          
1     FE1   0    N/A                      M18010-FE-D I            ok            
1     FE2   0    N/A                      M18010-FE-D I            ok            
1     FE3   0    N/A                      none                     none          
1     FE4   0    N/A                      none                     none          
1     M1    0    N/A                      M18010-CMII              master        
1     M2    0    N/A                      none                     none          
2     1     0    none                     none                     none          
2     2     0    none                     none                     none          
2     3     8    M18000-08XS-ED           M18000-08XS-ED           ok            
2     4     0    none                     none                     none          
2     5     48   M18000-24GT20SFP4XS-ED   M18000-24GT20SFP4XS-ED   ok            
2     6     0    none                     none                     none          
2     7     7    RG-WALL 1600-B-ED        RG-WALL 1600-B-ED        ok            
2     8     0    none                     none                     none          
2     FE1   0    N/A                      none                     none          
2     FE2   0    N/A                      M18010-FE-D I            ok            
2     FE3   0    N/A                      none                     none          
2     FE4   0    N/A                      none                     none          
2     M1    0    N/A                      none                     none          
2     M2    0    N/A                      M18010-CMII              backup  

Last updated